Como a participação em cadeias globais de valor pode beneficiar os países...
Ao analisar o impacto da integração da América Latina às cadeias globais de valor sobre a competitividade das empresas da região, os autores argumentam que a harmonização de determinadas regras e...
View ArticleFacilitación del comercio: ¡manos a la obra!
Language UndefinedEl primer número de la revista Puentes del año 2017 presenta textos que nos permiten reflexionar sobre los desafíos para la implementación del AFC en América Latina. Image: Volume:...
View Article¿Cómo la participación en las cadenas globales de valor puede beneficiar a...
Al analizar la integración de los países de América Latina a las cadenas globales de valor, el artículo afirma que la armonización de determinadas reglas y la implementación total del AFC son...
View ArticleAFC: momento de la implementación
La entrada en vigor del Acuerdo sobre Facilitación del Comercio (AFC) nos invita a la reflexión. Desde el fracaso de la Conferencia Ministerial de Seattle, en 1999, los miembros de la Organización...
View ArticleRealising Inclusive Economic Growth Through Value Chains: The Role of Private...
Language UndefinedThe aim of this meeting is to spend half a day reviewing and gaining perspectives on a series of papers developed by ICTSD which is focused on the role of sustainability standards in...
View ArticleComment l’Afrique peut-elle mieux s’intégrer aux chaînes de valeur mondiales...
Quelles sont les implications de l’entrée en vigueur de l’Accord sur la facilitation des échanges (AFE) de l’OMC pour les efforts des pays africains en vue de rejoindre les chaînes de valeur mondiales...
View ArticleОЭСР: для использования всех выгод глобализации необходимо укрепление...
Процессы глобализации оказывают не только положительный, но и негативный эффект на многие развитые и развивающиеся страны, указывается в новом отчете ОЭСР «Перспективы бизнеса и финансов 2017». По...
View ArticleThe Gender Dimensions of Global Value Chains
Policy makers are increasingly turning to integration and upgrading in global value chains (GVCs) as a means of driving development. How can they ensure that both men and women can access and benefit...
View ArticleLa dimension du genre dans les chaines de valeur mondiales
Les décideurs se tournent de plus en plus vers l’intégration et la progression au sein des chaines de valeur mondiales (CVM) comme moteur de développement. Comment peuvent-ils s’assurer que les hommes...
View ArticlePromoting Inclusive Economic Transformation through GVC Participation: The...
This event will discuss how the Aid for Trade initiative could be leveraged to help developing countries participate more effectively in global value chains and link this participation to advancing...
View ArticleLes chaînes de valeur du secteur de l’habillement : une opportunité de...
Quels ont été les impacts de la participation aux chaînes de valeur du secteur de l'habillement au Lesotho? Les lignes de production mondiales se sont multipliées au cours des trois dernières...
View ArticleRegional Integration and High Potential Value Chains in West Africa
The global dispersion and fragmentation of production processes has important implications for the industrialisation strategies of developing countries. The specific characteristics of different global...
View ArticleLeveraging trade deals towards inclusiveness in a Trump-Brexit era: The case...
In November , ICTSD and the Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) organised a dialogue on inclusive rules of origin as part of the RTA Exchange project. Rules of origin (RoOs) tell us where a product...
View ArticleLeveraging Services and Digital Potential for Inclusive Economic Growth
Services have emerged as the key driver of economic growth in southern Africa and account for more than half of GDP. Increases in the contribution of services to GDP have been stimulated by both demand...
View ArticleГендерные аспекты глобальных цепочек создания стоимости
Отсутствие равных возможностей у женщин и мужчин для участия в ГЦС препятствует эффективному экономическому развитию стран. Авторы статьи предлагают ряд мер, нацеленных на учет гендерных аспектов при...
View ArticleThe Preferential Origin Regime and Global Value Chains
The RTA Exchange, jointly implemented by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), is a platform that convenes purposeful...
View Article特惠原产地制度须反映全球价值链的复杂性
View ArticleQual a medida da sustentabilidade?
Language UndefinedO presente número do Pontes apresenta a você, prezado(a) leitor(a), artigos que dissecam o complexo processo de operacionalização dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável...
View ArticleComo potencializar a contribuição das cadeias globais de valor para os ODS?
Quais são as lacunas de conhecimento cujo preenchimento se faz necessário aos países em desenvolvimento para que a contribuição das cadeias globais de valor na consecução dos ODS seja potencializada?...
View ArticleA sustentabilidade em disputa
Faz sentido almejar que uma sociedade estabeleça objetivos irrenunciáveis de longo prazo? Ou, adotando um individualismo exacerbado, deveríamos deixar que a interação diária entre milhões de indivíduos...
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